
We currently have no litters planned but feel free to contact us as often we do  know of other litters in the area

Our boy Hitch sired a litter born 1/10/25.  They are located in Mollala, OR.

Stephanie Bell of Surefire Aussies has a few  pups available to pet/performance homes.  They will be on spay/neuter contracts, priced at $2000.  Parents have been fully health tested and clear on PawPrints Aussie health test panel.  OFA hips and elbows, eyes tested yearly.   Ready to go home weekend of March 15th, 2025.

Dad: Summerbreeze Hitchin’ A Ride To Baywind STDs OTDs RNX TKI CGC “Hitch” 13 pts AKC, needs one major, Major pointed in ASCA with only 1 weekend out!

Mom: ASCA CH Surefire’s Joy To Ewe N Me “Joy”

If interested, please contact Stephanie Bell at 971-808-9545 for more information








About Our Puppies

Before They’re Born

Parent will have OFA hips & elbows and their eyes have been cleared annually by an ophthalmologist in an effort to prevent any hereditary eye problems. They have also had DNA tests for genetic problems such as MDR1, hereditary cataracts and to verify parentage.  We breed for health, temperament, structure and beauty, our dogs make wonderful pets and/or performance dogs. Many Baywind dogs are excelling in obedience, rally, herding, agility, tracking and dock diving, and some are just living the life of couch potatoes!

Early Puppy Life

We will continually evaluate the pups during the weeks they are with us for temperament and structural soundness, and our last evaluation is made at approximately 8 weeks. At that time we will keep some pups for show and the others will be sold as performance or pet. Although we will always keep in mind the color preference of our puppy buyers we DO NOT place our pups in homes based solely on color or sex choice.

By 8 weeks, we will know the puppies personalities fairly well and will make every effort to match the right pups to the right families. All our dogs live in the house with us and are part of the family. The pups are also raised in our house and will be handled daily and well socialized by the time they go to their new families. We expose them to all types of behavioral development including Early Neurological Stimulation, white noise CD’s for desensitization, and they meet many, many strangers!

This is a video of one of our 7 week old litters in their playpen … enjoy:

After Adoption

Please remember, Aussies are not for everyone. They are extremely intelligent, active dogs that need a lot of attention and exercise. New owners MUST have a fenced yard and must be committed to attending at least 2 sessions of puppy classes with their new puppy. Trained, well mannered adults are not born that way. The love, attention and training that new owners give their puppies are critical for the dog to mature into a healthy, well socialized adult.

If you are a first time Aussie owner, please read “About Aussies” from the NorCal Aussie Rescue. This will help you decide if an Aussie is the right dog for you and your family.

Adopting From Us

Puppies are fully guaranteed and will have their first set of shots, wormed multiple times and eyes checked/cleared by a board certified ophthalmologist prior to going to their new homes at 8 weeks old.

Feel free to contact us by email or call at 360-727-3188 for more information.

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